Sunday, May 1, 2011

UPDATE on Dona Nasilda and Gustavo

Bendito sea YHWH! Gustavo showed up Shabbat morning with his bible. He said, since you came here I learned the Name of God and the real commandments. His bible translates our Creators Name as Yave and has the full aprocrypha. He says his dad critizises the Catholic Church traditions but the pressures of the community over them is over them. There is no place for them to go here since very few people are willing to reach out. 
 Kids helping the adults make cement. If you can see on the far right how bad it looks. It looks worse on the other side.
 Making the Walkway
 Making the Walkway Pic 2
Nice looking walkway, isn't it?:')
On Dona Nasilda we praise Yah He sent us help and a donation of sand so we repaired the path that goes from the gate to her house. You can see that it was in bad shape with holes and rocks. She was soo happy and told all her family that some people that really lived loving one another blessed her. 
Pray for both families. YHWH's commandments are perfect converting the soul, turning us back to obedience in love with our Creator. Pure Life is to live according to YHWH's instructions. We hope that we can continue to plant seeds that will transform lives and make people think and search for themselves. 
We are told we will have more work soon translating a website and we will start working with the Sukkot Childrens Ministry Curriculum. We have 4 visits and a trip to make in the next 2 weeks. Please pray for our provision and safety. Shalom!

YHWH Le Bendiga!
Jesus and Tammy Montanez
Family Gospel World Missions


  1. That is one shnazzy walkway! I'm impressed! ;)

  2. Praise YHVH!
    Dona Nasilda has been such a Blessing to us
    as well. It is a joy to sit with her and listen
    to her talk about YHVH and her family.
    Shalom, tammy


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Blessings and Shalom!
The Montanez Family