Tuesday, March 31, 2015

e-Missions Outreach

 Shalom Again!

e-Missions Outreach have been born out of a need. Last blog we posted was about a need to be able to reach people with no access to the internet with teachings in their language. A Brother's Keeper would bring him/her to the Truth. James/Ya'acov 5:19-20  Brothers, if anyone among you goes astray from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the straying of his way shall save a life from death and cover a great number of sins.


As we struggle to find support as offerings we have to think out of the box. We first used USB and Micro SD cards as an idea. This has developed into a larger tool for Abba YHWH and His Kindom to come. Now we will be able to share with even those who have no TV or computers the teachings Abba YHWH has given to other ministries. We could make our own but that comes with limited knowledge of technology and resources. Soon we will make our own teachings to further reach those far from our town. YHWH is using others from our loving family of believers to help.

 "Amazing avenue that has opened. I could only find one similar story where a missionary was teaching at a village. A local village that were not the most friendly heard of the missionary being around. Not wanting to cause "trouble" they stayed away...but still wanted to know. A tradesman that was somehow friendly with both took an electronic device, similar to this to the neighboring village. They burned through 25 hours of teaching and begged for more.  

This is an easy no-brainer for torah-observant/hebrew roots type folks. As we have discussed, these devices have approximately 50 videos, all in Spanish, from Jim Staley, 119 Ministries, and Michael Rood. Hebrew/Spanish songs from Paul Wilbur. As well as other important topics in audio form concerning wedding/matrimony covenant and more." Via Philip Warren, e-Missions Outreach

Go Fund e-Missions Outreach here http://www.gofundme.com/qevhf4

Soon here in CR we will be able to use what others considered obsolete phones as a tool for the Kingdom of YAH. Imagine what we could do with resources. $5 here $15 these could help us reach more people in different countries. Time is short!

 Isa 6:8  And I heard the voice of יהוה, saying, “Whom do I send, and who would go for Us?” And I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

May YHWH bless you and keep you
The Montanez family
L'chaim Pura Vida
Costa Rica

For more info contact us.

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The Montanez Family