Shabbat Shalom! From South Costa Rica!
Recently we had a chat with Cory Black from Creation Message. He wanted us to order his Common Core documentary he made. I know it costs to make things like that and even more to stand against the system. Education has been used to indoctrinate generations. As a homeschool family we feel strongly against the idea that the government can say more than parents. Cory and Creation Message also made a teaching called "Behold: The Lamb of God" that exposes from another angle the Birth of Messiah with some interesting facts and pointing out to the Feasts of YHWH. If you or anyone you know has a child in public school or would like to learn about the Truth in Messiah's Birth we encourage you to watch and share this site and teaching. Please visit Please wait after shabbat for any order.

Watch full teaching here
Disclaimer: Our Family nor Family Gospel World Missions profits in any matter from the ministries we share in this blog. We live by faith alone. We do not necessarily agree 100% with the ministries, individuals or videos we share.
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The Montanez Family