What do we do each day? Well... a LOT! Each day is different, and nothing stays the same,
except for these 3 big things. Now, it doesn´t mean that there isn´t
anything else that happens everyday, but they are the most substantial:
1. Our serving, loving, and obeying our Abba YHWH, however,
whatever, to whomever, and wherever He leads us,
2. The taking care of the land and animals that YHWH through the McDaniel´s
has given us to use to be able to plant, grow, harvest, and give to the people here that need it the most in our area,
AND 3....
Yep, everyday except Shabbat, we(Christian and Christopher) wake up at 4:50-5:00 a.m. get dressed, put on our rubber boots, walk down the road, get the cows from the pasture they are in,
and then take them through 1(or 2) creeks to get to the corral. It´s not as bad as
what it sounds, but it isn´t easy getting up at 5:00 a.m everyday.
Anyway, on to the pictures!
Our view most days when we get up in the morning.
The dirt road we usually take to get the cows.
The bull that is with the 7(soon to be 8) cows that are milked.
Christopher and one of our newest brothers in Messiah, Eric. He is a very kind and
hard working man that loves to talk about the Word. Pray for him and his family.
They have been mostly isolated by their family for following the Word of YHWH
instead of following the doctrines of man, so please pray that YHWH will give them the
strength to continue on this VERY narrow path of our Messiah.
Christopher milking the cows. It isn´t as easy as what it looks at all. When Christian began milking, he couldn´t get a tablespoon out of the cow. And even if you have had previous experience milking cows, it take a while to relearn that technique again.
What the sky looks like most of the time when we are done. It normally takes about an hour and 15 minutes to milk the 3 cows we are milking right now. By this time everyone is fully awake and ready to go.
What happens after we get back home from milking? Well, we eat breakfast, and then we might cut the grass, or chop wood, or plant, or clean the house, or go out to the store on those occasional days when we have to go get groceries, or we might go visiting, or it may rain and then we do things inside instead, or sometimes someone from town will come up and then... ok I think you get the point... LOL.
Until next time...
The Montañez Family
Servants and Emissaries of Yahshua, Children of YHVH