Thursday, November 28, 2013

Helping Someone In Need...

Mathew 25:34-43
“Then the Sovereign shall say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father,
 inherit the reign prepared for you from the foundation of the world –
 for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave

 Me drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in,
 was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.ʼ
 “Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, ‘Master, when did 

we see You hungry and we fed You, or thirsty and gave You to drink?
 ‘And when did we see You a stranger and took You in, or naked and clothed You?
 ‘And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and we came to You?ʼ
 “And the Sovereign shall answer and say to them, ‘Truly, I say to you,

 in so far as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.ʼ
 “He shall then also say to those on the left hand, ‘Go away from Me, accursed ones,

 into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his messengers –
 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink,
‘I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, was naked and 

you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.ʼ

Don Oscar is an older gentleman who used to live in our area. He would come visit us
and listen to Jesus read the Word of YHWH. He moved awhile ago and we did not hear from him. Come to find out he was without a home, had gotten sick, and has been unable to work.
We have gone to visit him since then and with the provision of Abba bring
 food and help him get set up in his new little home.

Don Oscar was so happy to have us come by. He even made benches so we would have a place to sit.
Don Oscar in the back, Brother Eulogio and Sister Benilda on the right, and Jesus and Christopher on the left. The open space is great for warm days but right now it is rainy season.
Most people would not call this a bed, especially for an older gentleman but this is were he sleeps. At least it keeps him off the dirt floor.
As many of the houses use here, a fire to cook in the house. See the zinc is protecting the wood walls. No fire hazard here. Oscar did have a small gas stovetop but had to sell it because he didn´t have any money.
This is his kitchen shelf. That is it other than a couple of hooks on the other wall to hang bags with food to keep them off the ground.
Another view of his two room house and plastic roof.
Don Oscar does have a beautiful view.
This is his water source from the neighbors. He has no electric and only gets fresh drinking water every couple of days.
Another view of his little house with the plastic roof.
This is Peron. He has been with Oscar for many years and follows him everywhere he goes. We once heard Oscar chopping in the field singing to his dog as he was working!

With rainy season upon us, Oscar really needs a roof on his little house to keep him dry. 
He wanted to keep his kitchen dry so the wood would not get wet. He also is not in the best of health. Praise Abba for the provision of several pieces of zinc for his roof however he
 still needs more to finish and keep dry.  If you feel led by the Ruach to help provide
 for Don Oscar please contact us or send your donation
 through our donate button on the right and let us know it is for Don Oscar. 

May YHWH bless you for your gift!

The Montañez Family
Servants and Emissaries of Yahshua, Children of YHWH

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Unity in Messiah is an AMAZING blessing!

Psalms 133:1 
 See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! 

We have met many brothers and sisters in Messiah over our years as we have gone along this journey. Some we only met briefly at Sukkot or at Congregations, while some we stayed
 in their homes for days, weeks, and even months. We had our ups and our downs, 
and while we separated at one point or another, those times will be with us forever. 
From the 1st time we were invited to a Passover Seder, to the times we went 
to spend Shabbat with just 2 or 3 other families, to celebrating Sukkot with over 200 people,
 we will always remember the laughs, the tears, the great Midrash and fellowship
(not to mention the GREAT food!!). Whatever the case, we have been blessed to be 
allowed to be a part in the lives of some of our brothers and sisters in Messiah. 

This blogpost is to remember some of those moments...

 From working together, 

 to fellowshipping in groups large...


 and in between.

We will forever remember the moments that we have had together. From the joy to the tears to the prayers that we have shared, we praise YHWH for each moment that we have had with you. 
For the gifts that you have given to our family, whether large or small, we thank you so much!

Psalms 122:6-9
  Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim, Let those who love You be at rest.
7 Peace be within your walls, Rest in your citadels.
8 For the sake of my brothers and companions, I say, “Peace be within you.”
9 For the sake of the House of YHWH our Elohim I seek your good.

 Whatever our future holds, we will always remember 2 things...

1. YHWH is in control over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, at ALL TIMES and
2. We have brothers and sisters in Messiah that we love and that we know we can trust in. 
We praise YHWH for each and everyone of you and we cannot wait for
 the next time we meet, whether before or after Messiah comes!

 Numbers 6:24-26
 “YHWH bless you and guard you; 
25 YHWH make His face shine upon you, and show favour to you; 
26 YHWH  lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.”

Until next time...

The Montañez Family 
Servants and Emissaries of Yahshua, Children of YHWH

P.S: If anyone has pictures of either your family with ours or a group picture that isn´t here,
we would LOVE to add it to this blogpost. So if you do, please comment and we will send you he e-mail address to send it to. Shalom!