What is a Brothers Keeper?
We started this journey showing compassion and mercy to those we met. Seeking to fill their physical needs to gain their trust to reach their lives with the only thing we can give them that can change their lives. We also learned that these Truth that can set them free has to be received and walked like Messiah walked. People in developed countries have all kinds of technology from video, e-sword, smart phones, ect. As a Brother's Keeper we also teach the Way, Truth and Life... Torah Life! We have to think out of the box. We could not give them a website to go or build a Congregational Building. The issue here is how to be able to draw people to the King of the Universe through His Son. How can I leave a brother or sister in their sin? Would I be a good "keeper"?
We had been asking ministries that had Spanish teachings to send us some DVD's or CD's to share with these people. Since for many circumstances and even people seeking to pay for them, we could not find anyone who could send us some. We prayed and asked ourselves, how can we do it? We are not computer tech people but a sister's TV broke. We have no TV in the farm. Today's TV's are very different and come with USB drives. We though that just maybe we could download videos and they could see it on TV at home. So we did a trial run. We took our USB Flash Drive that had some videos downloaded in it. Our youngest son is more Tech savy than us older parents. He went and checked it out and IT WORKED! HalleluYAH!
Psalm 19:7 - 10 The Torah of יהוה is perfect, bringing back the being; The witness of יהוה is trustworthy, making wise the simple; The orders of יהוה are straight, rejoicing the heart; The command of יהוה is clear, enlightening the eyes; The fear of יהוה is clean, standing forever; The right-rulings of יהוה are true, They are righteous altogether, More desirable than gold, Than much fine gold; And sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
We bought one of these, not exactly as the one shown. We downloaded about 12 teachings from ministries like 119, PFT, one movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" and took them to our brother and sister. They had a wonderful Shabbat full of more teaching than what we could teach in months.We may have no money to pay for physical improvements of their needs but Not by Bread alone man shall Live, but by Every Word that comes from the mouth of YHWH.
Psalm 119:72 The Torah of Your mouth is better to me Than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
Psalm 119:127 Therefore I have loved Your commands More than gold, even fine gold!
In this way we can share many, many teachings on a re-writable device and even when technology is very limited in our side of the world we can make a difference using what is already made by others. So no man shall boast. Not just sharing ourselves. Not for a ministry name or missionary pastor such said kind of thing. We never wanted to be recognized in anything we did. We have stopped sharing a little here so we are not recognized as an Photo-op type of ministry. We live by faith and not by sight! We are doers of the Torah and not hearers only. We share our food with those who need and ask us for help.
Then we thought, how else we could share? So we saw another device. Smartphones are also expensive here so we keep older type of phones. They sell the SD Micro Phone Memory Cards. We can now also put these videos in these micro cards and share it with those who have older phones. That also would help us share the valuable Torah teachings that can be played in their phones.
So how we can be a Brothers Keeper? Keeping them from falling away. With YHWH's Torah and the Testimony of Yahshua haMashiach! They need healing and deliverance. There is something we can do together to set them free. Sharing Truth!
James/Ya'acov 5:19-20 Brothers, if anyone among you goes astray from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the straying of his way shall save a life from death and cover a great number of sins.
Acts 3:6-8 But Kĕpha said, “I do not have silver and gold, but what I do possess, this I give you: In the Name of יהושע Messiah of Natsareth, rise up and walk.” And taking him by the right hand he lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones were made firm. And leaping up, he stood and walked, and went in with them into the Set-apart Place, walking and leaping and praising Elohim.
The Written Torah can not save you, but it will Heal you! YHWH RAFFA!
Exodus 15:26 And He said, “If you diligently obey the voice of יהוה your
Elohim and do what is right in His eyes, and shall listen to His
commands and shall guard all His laws, I shall bring on you none of the
diseases I brought on the Mitsrites, for I am יהוה who heals you.”
Now in the South Costa Rica area, we are able to share more of this Truth that can set the captives free! HalleluYAH! Thank you who support us to give to these who have no one teaching them Truth. May YHWH bless you and keep you.
Am I a Brothers Keeper by Sharing the Good News? Would you help?
Shabbat Shalom! HalleluYAH!