Monday, February 15, 2016

Shalom from the Mountain!

Shalom from South Costa Rica!

YHWH has blessed us with a lot of eggs as of late, and of all different colors and shapes. 
Just like us, we may have a different shell but inside there is life which make us alike. 
Sad to hear about racial separations even among believers in Messiah. A chick is a
 chick when life cracks that egg. Why can we not be echad?

About 2 weeks ago we lost a lamb, but about 10 days ago, YHWH blessed us with another one.
 He gives and He takes away. He knows our needs. Praising YHWH, for He gives chai-life. 
May you be in the shalom that surpasses all understanding. He is in control.

Recently, hard rains have brought us some gifts from above. Not the kind of gifts you 
would think of since we were sorry for the birds. See, we have a flock of birds
 related to the Orioles called "Oropendula" aka Oropendola, who nest every year
 in a tree far away from the house that is able to hold their weight. 

They are fairly large birds and locals see them as pests because they eat fruits. 
This year they decided to make their huge pendulum nests in a weaker nearby tree.
 We heard a loud crash and around 30 of their nests came falling down by the house. 

We used some in our garden beds and some will become planters. 
Their weaving is very strong and hang for months in the right tree.

Praise Abba for my wife Tammy. She is truly a blessing that completes me. May YHWH bless 
her more with wisdom and a model of set apartness to Abba. Teaching other ladies to sew, cook,
 and cope with daily life, loving children, and even the bulls and sheep get loving care.
Proverbs 18:22 
He who has found a wife has found good, And receives favour from YHWH.

Shema Yisra'EL! Our Ushpizin hear the shofar sound when they come up the mountain. 
The only place they visit where they hear of the commandments in Torah and YHWH's Name.

Please Pray for hermana Carmen the widow we support with your offerings in Nicaragua. She has been sick with kidney and other ailments. We pray for the sick and have seen miracles. The prayers of the righteous avails much, join us in prayer for her and her healing and needs to travel to Costa Rica.

Until next time...

The Montañez Family
Servants and Emissaries of Yahshua, Children of YHWH