Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wondersharing and Wonderblessings!!

Wondersharing and Wonderblessings! 

 Do to others as you would have them do to you. ... Luke 6:31

Abba YHWH is good! He has given us wisdom, talents and ideas to bless others. A sister came to visit us and told us about a bag that can save you time and money cooking in it. We could not imagine such a thing. Slow cooking in hayboxes and holes in the ground were used in the past. With some changes to the original instructions we decided to bless others. We could not afford paying for them with the cost of international shipping here but we could make similar bags with ideas found online. We will use recycled material for the inside and used foam from old cushions and mattresses. 

Matt 5:16 Thus let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and they should glorify your Father in the heavens.

Their eyes open up when you tell them that they can cook with no electric and save up to 50% by cooking in it. Less gas equals less expense, less worries about burning food means more time for other things. Beans "Cooked" overnight in the bag come out awesome. Soup, stews and even wonderbread... 

Tammy made some matching pot holders to go with the bags. 

Bring the pot to a rolling boil on the stove/fire and then place it in the bag.  

 Make sure it is tight and covered.
 If it has room for air add some material or towel. 

Pull the string...

And tie a knot! And no worries!  

Our family ministry desires to be about Torah in action to others. Love comes as well from making their lives better. Torah is signs and wonders! Wondersharing, wonderlove, wondershalom that surpasses all understanding. The Romans used to say about the first Ekklesia, "what love these people have that share and have things in common" paraphrasing a lot I read that can not recall who wrote it. 

They themselves are helping to be part of their blessings!  

Please consider our servant family and the people we serve in your gifts and offerings so we can bless others. We need to buy materials to make more bags. Thanks to all who have given material.

Shalom Ubrachot! 
The MontaƱez Family
Living YHWH's Torah and Yahshua's
 testimony in South Costa Rica