Sunday, August 2, 2020

A Covid Blessing in Disguise

Covid has been good to Tia Carmen. 

It’s a strange statement in these times we are living in, but it's a true one. 
For those who don’t know our beloved Tia she is a true widow from Nicaragua, 
with no children and her husband who passed away many years ago. About 8 or 9 years ago 
we adopted her into our family. Every year she comes and stays with us, and when the 
country of Nicaragua was calmer, we were even blessed to visit her in her home.

Last year we almost lost our beloved Tia.  Living alone in Nicaragua and being 
terribly sick with no one to care for her really depleted her health. In February, she was finally 
able to physically, but with a lot of help, get on a bus, and come to Costa Rica this year 
before the Covid outbreak and the traveling restrictions began. When she arrived at our home, 
we were heartbroken. We had never seen her so thin and frail. 

She could barely walk on her own. Mind you, this soon to be 82-year-old woman is a fighter, 
a strong woman for YHWH. A prayer warrior, never afraid to speak the truth about the Word. 
Our boys were informed to love on her as much as possible. If she didn’t look well at that time, 
we couldn’t imagine how bad it was when she was sick. We prayed with her as many of you 
prayed with us, begged YHWH to restore her health, fed her healthy foods from the farm, 
made sure she got sun and exercise, and constantly loved on her. 

She told us that she had a dream while she was still sick, even before coming to Costa Rica 
this year, that she had come back to Nicaragua praising ABBA with arms stretched high 
over her head. At the time she told us this, she really couldn’t even stand up for that long 
or even lift her arms up. She prays everyday for Yah to renew her strength, not for her sake 
but so that she may lift her arms high above her head in adoration and glory to our King. 

Costa Rica started closing their borders, restrictions and more restrictions. 
No one in or out. Nicaragua’s borders closed. The Covid virus has taken many lives in 
different ways but to our Tia it has renewed her, and given her back her strength. 
The time YHWH has allowed her to be with us has been a treasure. Tia Carmen was supposed 
to go home in April, but as of today, the borders are still closed until November 
and by then she’ll probably be running between the farms!

May YHWH continue to strengthen her with her time remaining here 
to be able to go home to Nicaragua and have her dream fulfilled...
Praising and Glorifying YHWH!

Tammy Montanez
L'chaim Pura Vida! 

(If you feel led to bless Tia Carmen with a gift, please click the Button Below. 
May YHWH Bless Your Gift!)

James 1:27
  Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this:
 to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,
and to keep oneself unstained from the world.