Friday, January 6, 2012

Mayim Chayim

John 7:37-38
And on the last day, the great day of the festival, Yahshua stood and cried out, saying, 
“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink. 
38  “As the Scripture said, out of His innermost shall flow rivers of Mayim Chayim(living water).”

My mom is doing such a great job with the things that she makes with her hands. 
She has such a heart to make these things to bless others. 
Please bless her by commenting on her site
and if you can, please buy one of the shawls.
Prayer shawls make special gifts for those who are suffering. 
They can be comforting to the sick and elderly.  
Our tallits come with matching tzitziot and most come with a head covering. 
All of these shawls are made with great love and care.  
You will be blessed as you bless our family, 
while allowing us to go and share the truth with others.
If you want to help but don't have the finances to do it, the best way to support us is by sharing our websites on the internet(Blogspot, Facebook, etc.). It would be such a blessing!

Speaking of Facebook, we have just made a new Facebook page for my mom's site!

Check it out here, like the page, and share it with others:Mayim Chayim Inspirations

Shalom and may YHVH bless you!


Here are the ones she has available RIGHT NOW! Click the pictures to see the link.

Negev Bounty Coral


Psalms 92-dark

Psalm 92:12-14

The righteous one flourishes like a palm tree, He grows like a cedar in Leḇanon. Those who are planted in the House of יהוה Flourish in the courts of our Elohim. They still bear fruit in old age; They are fresh and green …

Psalms 92-light

Sweet Flowers Women's Tallit

Songs of Solomon 2:12
“The flowers have appeared in the earth; The time of singing has come, 
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. 

Tammy and Christian Montanez

Servants and Emissaries of Yahshua ,Children of YHVH

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We look forward to hearing from you!

Blessings and Shalom!
The Montanez Family