Friday, July 22, 2011

Pictures of the Farm Part 3--- The FOOD!!

Psalms 65:1,9,13
Praise waits for You, O Elohim, in Zion: and to You shall the vow be performed.
9  You visit the earth, and water it: You greatly enrich it with the river of Elohim, which is full of water: You prepare the corn, when You have so provided for it.
13 The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.

 YHVH is providing for us every step of the way. He grows what is planted, even if we didn't plant it,
allows us to harvest what is sowed, or even if we didn't sow it, and allows us to 
eat from the harvest, even if we didn't harvest it.

Here are some pictures of the food that grows there. 
May you find it reassuring that YHVH can provide all the time.

There is a lot of food growing on the farm and even more will be growing as we get there full-time.
Our goal is to be entirely self-efficient, YHVH willing.

A field of corn. There was a LOT more!

Pretty large corn.

Large bags of corn!

Very corny!
Which pic is more corny? :'D

Lots of Beans.
The 3 plantateers drinking their golden(OK white) drink(OK actually coconut water)LOL

Green coconuts are better for drinking the water, brown are better for their white inside.

Sugarcane. Very sweet. It was pretty big before(like 8 in.), but I ate most of it. :'D
YHVH is truly providing for everything that we need.
Pray that we get the barn finished, the house done soon, and that we will be able
to provide for others as YHVH provides for us.

Christian Montanez Dodd
Servant and Emmisary of Yahshua, Child of YHVH

1 comment:

  1. Wow!Can't wait to get there and start planting and harvesting!Mrs. Montanez


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The Montanez Family