Written June 3rd, 2016
Shalom! We were recently blessed by the company of a true elderly widow
named “Tia” Carmen. She came all the way from Nicaragua and has always
felt that being with us was like a spiritual retreat. She is always ready to talk Scripture.
We met her on one of our trips to Nicaragua where we stayed for a few days.
She is a true widow with no children and her late husband was a pastor that
lived by faith alone. Her witness is uplifting to us as she has never lacked a roof
or daily bread. She says about Torah; “If it is in my Bible, how can it be done away?
That Word stands even if I was not taught it but you have taught it to me”.

James 1:26-27
If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue
but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is worthless. Clean and undefiled
religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows
in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
For the past 3 years we have supported her when we can. We love her humble
heart to call people to repentance. Please pray for her needs as a true widow.
She feels alone in her home and wants to build a room at her nieces home so
she can move to Costa Rica. We pray that we can continue to be a blessing to her.
Here is a video of our trip in 2012 to her home and community in Nicaragua.
heart to call people to repentance. Please pray for her needs as a true widow.
She feels alone in her home and wants to build a room at her nieces home so
she can move to Costa Rica. We pray that we can continue to be a blessing to her.
Here is a video of our trip in 2012 to her home and community in Nicaragua.
she had been sick and that no one comes to see if she is ok. She has no children
and due to her strong faith many have turned from her. Having no husband or
children at the age of 73 makes her fearful to die alone. At one point, our sons gave
her hugs and she said, “Thank you, none of my nieces give me hugs.” Unlike in
Nicaragua, Costa Rica gives a small pension to their elderly. Life is hard for her at this age.
Please pray for Carmen, a true widow, and always remember to count your blessings.
Deuteronomy 10:17-18
“For YHWH your Elohim is Elohim of mighty ones and Master of masters, the great El,
mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. He executes right-ruling
for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and a garment.”
We love when we’re trying to bless someone and we end up being blessed ourselves.
Tia Carmen was able to help Tammy with the wonderovens. She was able to work
faster than what Tammy can give her, and was always willing to do more.
(Side Note: Wow, the new material we got is beautiful. We will need new foam
to make more wonderovens. When Tammy gets inspired to help others, watch out!
May Abba YHWH bless her hands. They got two bags done and one more in the
process with the help of Tia Carmen. These are offered for sale in Costa Rica
Only for $50. The proceeds will help allow us to donate one to families that need them plus any additional offering will go towards buying the cooking pots with lids.)
Tia Carmen was able to help Tammy with the wonderovens. She was able to work
faster than what Tammy can give her, and was always willing to do more.
(Side Note: Wow, the new material we got is beautiful. We will need new foam
to make more wonderovens. When Tammy gets inspired to help others, watch out!
May Abba YHWH bless her hands. They got two bags done and one more in the
process with the help of Tia Carmen. These are offered for sale in Costa Rica
Only for $50. The proceeds will help allow us to donate one to families that need them plus any additional offering will go towards buying the cooking pots with lids.)
Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His Name. Raise up a highway for Him Who
rides through the deserts, By His Name Yah, And exult before Him.
Father of the fatherless, And Right-ruler of widows, Is Elohim in His set-apart dwelling.
While Tia Carmen was staying with us, she said, “I have never cut or sewn
material in my life. In my old age I have learned something in your home
that I can become useful at.” Tammy cried and hugged her. Sharing love and
knowledge of Truth is part of what L’chaim Pura Vida is about.
Tammy and Tia Carmen made this Chicken Pot Holder. What do you think
about this craft from the creative side of L’chaim Pura Vida?
Another of the big things that we learned while she was here is that Tia Carmen
could not not read her Bible anymore. She could read Tammy’s Kindle on large print.
Her glasses are not good for her weak eyesight. She either needed a Giant Letter
Bible in Spanish or new prescription glasses. We prayed for a miracle. As a
widow of a pastor with no children life has shown her Abba’s mercy and compassion
as He has provided for her needs all these years. When we heard this, we hoped that
we could help, and we informed our Brothers and Sisters in Messiah about this need…
Isaiah 1:17
“Learn to do good! Seek right-ruling, reprove the oppressor,
defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.
And HalleluYAH did YHWH work wonders! After her time here had ended and we
had driven Tia Carmen back to her niece’s home, we went and picked up the Scriptures
our Mispacha got for her and had shipped to us. It was awesome to see her reading
her beloved Scriptures again, and even without her glasses on! She broke down
in tears after reading a Psalm. Praise Abba YHWH for this widow’s heart for His Word.
Scripture tells us that our tithes and offerings should go to the poor,
widows, and fatherless(the True religion). We have a chance and a choice to
bless the one true widow that we know. Please, consider and pray about
helping us bless Carmen as she must travel back to Nicaragua in a few days.
She has very little financially, and many needs to take care of. If you want to
help us bless her more while she is here in Costa Rica either click on the
donate button on the sidebar or go to the Home page and click on the donate
button there. May YHWH bless you and keep you… Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Shalom Ubrachot!
The Montañez Family
L’Chaim Pura Vida!
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The Montanez Family