Wednesday, February 7, 2018

“Visiting the Montañez Family”- By 119 Ministries

(This is an old post from our current website, we are placing it here as a backup just in case anything goes wrong with the site in the future. But if you seeing this for the first time here on this blogspot, read it as if it was written just a short time ago :)

Written June 7th, 2016

When our family moved to Costa Rica in faith alone, we never thought that people would notice us and these humble servants of YAH were going to write about us. It has never been about us but His Kingdom and His righteousness and justice. It hasn’t been easy but we have persevered and pressed on despite the challenges. It comes with lots of hard work and responsibilities to be able to continue living this life. We appreciate your prayers and support. We just raised our hands and let Him deal with the details. Here am I send me! 

An Except from the 119 Blog:
“One of the families at 119 Ministries took some time to go and visit them recently. This week we wanted to let you know what it was like spending time with them through the eyes of one of the 119 wives.

We recently went to visit Jesus and Tammy Montañez at their home. Tammy did her best to prepare me for the road, the cold shower and the fact that they live in the middle of nowhere but until you experience it, you really have no idea.

The Montañezes live 5 hours southeast of us in an area called Valle de Estrellas (Valley of the Stars). As we got closer to where they lived, we got further away from city life. Living there means no quick runs to the store for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk. In those parts, people grow their food, raise chickens, trade for other items and occasionally make the 45-minute trip to a small grocery store for staples such as flour, beans and rice. For anything more than the basics, it’s an hour and a half drive or bus ride (very few have their own vehicles) to the nearest city.

After our visits, we continued up through the worst part of the road to where Jesus and Tammy live. The place is beautiful, and at first glance it makes you want to pack up everything you own and move. Everywhere you look is full of wonder, cute little houses, the chickens, ducks and turkeys running around the yard, sheep and cows in the pasture, bananas hanging on the porch and a garden blooming. It’s like stepping back in time to a more simple life. Of course what you don’t see is all the hard work this family has done to achieve this. They went from having nothing to having all of this; once again I can see Yahweh. He has provided everything.

To Read More, go to:

The Montañez Family
L’Chaim Pura Vida!

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The Montanez Family