We had to go on a border run 2 weeks ago to Panama. We had to take a bus from a nearby town named Penthurst to the border named Sixaola and from the border to 1 town named Changuinola and another bus to another town named David and THEN another bus to the town where we were going to named Boquete.
Total time it SHOULD take: 9hrs. 30 mins.
Of COURSE if something happens that a taximan tricks us at the border, then drops us off in a place where we weren't supposed to be, then we get stuck for 3 1/2 hrs waiting for 4 buses to pass with no seats, THEN finally getting a bus where we had to STAND for an hr and a half(I wasn't feeling good!), WELL.... then it takes:
13 HOURS!!
BUT we had a good time, and Panama is VERY beautiful.
Here are some beautiful pics from Panama:
Psalms 72:3
Let the mountains bring peace to the people,
And the hills, by righteousness.
This is a VERY cool mountain. It's name is get this: Mount BARUCH! It is 1/2 an hr. away from get this: DAVID!! Cool! |
Psalms 1:3
For he shall be as a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That yields its fruit in its season,
And whose leaf does not wither,
And whatever he does prospers.
My beautiful Mom! |
What a.... hmmm... can someone please give me the word for this...??? Comments anyone?? |
Songs of Solomon 2:12
“The flowers have appeared in the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
Psalms 148:7,9
Praise YHVH from the earth,
You great sea creatures and all the depths,
9 The mountains and all hills,
Fruit tree and all cedars,
This is a COOL pineapple! |
These Oranges are as small as a quarter! |
Psalms 98:8
Let the rivers clap their hands,
Let the mountains sing together for joy before YHVH...
The town by the river. |
Psalms 127:3
LOOK, children are an inheritance from YHVH,
The fruit of the womb is the reward.
Genesis 1:28a
And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them,
“Bear fruit and increase, and fill the earth and subdue it,
My mom thought these dresses were so amazing, and when we learned more about this lady, we were even more impressed! The lady in the middle is the mother of 9 GIRLS and 23 GRANDKIDS! She definitely has the "Be fruitful and multiply" down! Very happy family as you can see. |
Talking more with them about the dresses. In Panama there are a LOT of local Indigenous tribes . Most of the women wear these dresses, and guess what? They handmade them themselves! |
2 of the lady's daughters and one of her grandsons. |
More VERY modestly dressed Panamanian Indians. |
We were very blessed to be there. The next post will be about the family we stayed with and some more pictures. Until then...
The Montanez Family
Servants and Emmisaries of Yahshua, Children of YHVH