Heb 13:1
Let brotherly love(Philadelphia) continue.
Shalom brothers and sisters in Messiah!
Praying that you all had a blessed and peaceful Shabbat.
We got back to the farm this week but I wanted to finish
showing you some of the things we did and saw in Filadelfia.
Sooo... here we go!
Songs of Solomon 2:11-12
“For look, the winter is past, the rain is over, gone.
12 “The flowers have appeared in the earth; The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
YHVH's beauty is amazing! He made some incredible things, didn't he?
From the trees that give fruit, to the flower bushes, His beauty is EVERYWHERE! HalleluYAH!!
While we were there, we taught them how to make a few recipes, cooked and raw.
But by far everyone's favorite thing was....
But by far everyone's favorite thing was....
MUFFINS!! We made muffins 4 times on the trip.
Everyone loved them and Briana had enough
left over so she could take some to school everyday. Yum!!
Then it was time for Shabbat. My mom is a good bread maker,
but she doesn't make Challah when we are at the farm
(Mrs. Suzanne McDaniel does it most of the time).
So she doesn't have a ton of practice braiding the challah just right.
But finally the 3rd time she made a challah that she would let me take a picture of(☺).
John 6:35,47-48
And Yahshua said to them,
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall not get hungry at all,
and he who believes in Me shall not get thirsty at all.
47 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me possesses everlasting life.
48 “I am the bread of life.

Spending Shabbat together. And we had a visitor once again.
Psalms 133:1
See how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity...
The next day for lunch Mrs. Ramirez made...
SOUP!! It was cooked on the fire so it made it even better tasting.
After that, my parents and the Ramirez's went out to go look for a car.
They have one but it isn't very big and they needed another one...
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This van was "interesting". This "big" old van that can fit a bunch of people, with tires that are, well... not very big... Haha!! |
By the time bro Ramirez came with the sales person dad had this Chevy Sold to Mrs. Ramirez!
But we had to "switch" to a less expensive Hyundai.
She liked this one a lot, but, well,
let's say it was a "wee bit" too far out of their price range,
like I don't know, DOUBLE the price!!
Sooo... this car is still for sale... ☺.
There was one other thing we did in this 3rd week we were there.
We played...
There was one other thing we did in this 3rd week we were there.
We played...
PINGPONG!! Yep on the dinning room table with candles as the middle.
My dad, Briana, and I were the ones that played most of the time but by the end of our trip Christopher, Briana's oldest brother Alfredo, and one of his friends got into the act.
It was a lot of fun!
Well, another week had past and we only had a couple more days to go.
But these last few days were really good.
That though will be the next blogpost.
Until then...
Christian Montanez Dodd
Christian Montanez Dodd
Servant and Emissary of Yahshua, Child of YHVH